Something About Bananas

A place where the latest movies, web videos, technology, gadgets, games, music, internet culture and everything in between come together and explode all over your face. Oh and something about bananas too.

Brink is a short film created by fans of the hit E4 television program "Skins". A few months back the creators of Skins (Company Pictures) held a competition for Skins fans. The prize was they got to create a short film for They recruited Skins fans to be Production Designers, Directors and everything else needed to create a film.

The result was a 13 minute long film a bout a boy named Dean who sufferers with OCD or obsessive compulsive disorder. He carries out an odd and obscure daily routine. He believes that the world will end he fails to do so. Then a girl Rachel comes along who has an a strange "she knows what's going on" sense about her. She invites him to a party.....but if he goes will the world end?

Watch the entire film below. I thought it was very strange and obscure but also very original and unique. I think the idea could work very well in a feature length film or even a television series like Skins. As this film was created entirely by young talent who had never worked professionally in film before I'll be easy on the rating.
I give Brink a 7 out of 10.

You can find more information at


i didnt know what the fuck was going on


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