Today I went to see BBC Films' Tormented. It stars two of the original cast of E4's brilliant Skins. Them being April Pearson (Michelle in Skins) and Larissa Wilson (Jal in Skins). It also stars a whole host of other lesser known young actors including Calvin Dean who plays the lead character of Darren Mullet.
The film is set in an English secondary school and is a story of revenge. The plot revolves around the undead Mullet character killing off the rest of the main cast one by one. He does this in revenge for the bullying they had done to him while he was alive. They even post videos of themselves picking on him on a website they create. He is pushed too much and commits suicide only to come back on his revenge venture to get his revenge on those no good bullys slashing their bodies to pieces of course.
The film isn't brilliant but honestly picks up in the last half hour and provides some slightly dodgy acting and decent teen humour.
It reminded me of the Final Destination films, especially as some of the killing scenes are quite hilarious where others are just gruesome.
So as you can tell It's not a very intelligent film in terms of the plot. It's more about cheap thrills and teen humour than anything else. If you want to see a terrifying horror flick then this is not for you. If you want to see a hilarious comedy then this is not for you. If you just want to see an average comedy horror or you want to see more from the original cast of Skins, then this isn't bad.
However it is nothing like Dev Patel's, (Anwar in Skins) Slumdog Millionaire and probably will not be winning any Oscars either.
I say give it a go if your friends are already going to see it as It could be worse.
I give it a 6.5 out of 10.
Here is the trailer for you anyway.